Monday, March 14, 2011

Things I Do When I'm Home Alone...

Every other day I have the privilege of coming home from school early because I no longer have a 5th period class. Although this may seem like the most amazing thing in the world (which is what I thought at first), unfortunately it dose have its pros and cons. Some good things about getting home early is that it's two less hours I have to spend at school, and it also gives me more time to work on homework so I'm not up all night.

But coming home early every other day does have a down side as well. I have to walk home alone, although I do have my ipod with me all the time to keep me company, so that helps a little bit (except that wasn't the case today). And being alone for that long also gives me a lot of extra time to think, and that's not always the best thing for me to do because when I think too much I get into these funks that are really hard for me to get out of. And one last flaw to coming home early is that when I don't have any homework, I am bored. out. of. my. mind.

There is usually no activity on facebook, lately it's been yucky outside so it's hard to want to take pictures, and usually there is absolutely nothing to watch on t.v. because daytime television sucks! So you're probably wondering what I end up doing all day anyways. Well, most of the time I don't do much, but every once and a while when I'm not feeling lazy I will bake some delicious cookies for me (and my family too of course). And that's exactly what I did today, and they were in fact very delicious! Here's proof:

So now I'm going to work on senior exhibition crap. I only have four more days until I present on Friday, and then I'M DONE DONE DONE! So wish me luck.


  1. All the best for your exhibition! :]

  2. Nice cookie tray. We have one exactly the same - GO IKEA!!! ;)
