Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 06- A Picture of a Person You'd Love to Trade Places With for a Day

It definitely took me a while to figure out who I would want to trade places with for a whole day. I'm sure there are several people, but the one who finally stood out the most was Taylor Swift. I've liked Taylor Swift for a while now, but it wasn't until after the summer when I really started liking her. Since her new album "Speak Now" came out I've kind of gone through a Taylor Swift phase. I listen to her music all the time because she has songs that are perfect for just about every mood I'm in, and I've just really been interested in her as a person.

 I think it would be fun to be her for a day. Although I'm not sure how much she would enjoy my life, I know for a fact that I would not mind wearing her adorable dresses, having her perfect hair, meeting celebrities and going around see what her life is really like behind the scenes. Pretty much I just really love Taylor Swift and would love to meet her some day.

Plus, don't you just want to be best friends with her? I find myself wishing that all the time.

1 comment:

  1. Well in the alternative universe of my dream last night you are her! :) (and "my best friend is Taylor Swift." The last thing I remember saying in my dream)
