Friday, March 18, 2011

"Passed With Flying Colors"

Today I presented my Senior Exhibition on Human Trafficking in front of a classroom full of students, my parents, my mentor and a secondary evaluator from the community.

Up until yesterday I wasn't really nervous or worried about today. Mostly I just wanted it to be over. But all of a sudden yesterday I became very nervous. Not because I was scared of presenting in front of people and not because I didn't feel prepared, but mainly because I was scared that I wouldn't make the time. Now, in order for us to pass, our presentations have to be between 20-30 minutes. No more and no less. And all week it had been hard for me to make 20 minutes, so I suddenly became very scared that I wasn't going to pass because of time.

But once I arrived at school and started presenting at approximately 8:30 this morning, my nerves were no where to be found, and I felt confident and at peace with everything (thank you God!)

I went well over 20 minutes, tried to answer most of the questions, and then it was all over. Then my mentor and secondary evaluator went out into the hallway to discuss my scores, and as they came back into the room my heart started beating faster than it did before I started presenting. This was the moment where I find out if I passed or failed...

And before I knew it, Ms. Mack announced that I passed, and right at that moment I felt a TON of weight lifted off my shoulders, and all my 7 months worth of work and stress was worth it.

So to make a long story short, I passed my senior exhibition and am now officially able to graduate. HECK YES! Now it's time to give up on senior year because everything's a breeze from here on out!

p.s. CONGRATULATIONS to all my friends going on Service Corps!! I'm so excited for all of you!

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